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You don’t have to live with joint pain. Our orthopedic specialists use the latest, minimally invasive joint replacement approaches. You get seamless, comprehensive care from your initial evaluation through rehabilitation and recovery. We provide leading-edge treatment and guidance every step of the way, right here in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Joint replacement lets you lead an active lifestyle.

You can leave joint pain behind and look ahead to a more active lifestyle with joint replacement at a Tower Health facility. Our comprehensive approach combines the latest surgical advancements with personal guidance to help you prepare for surgery and recover as quickly as possible.

Complete Joint Replacement Care

When medicines and other treatments aren’t enough to relieve joint pain, your doctor may recommend joint replacement. Joint replacement removes the damaged cartilage and bone in a joint and replaces them with artificial materials (prostheses or implants), creating the same shape and movement as a natural joint.

We design your treatment plan to give you the best possible results.

Our orthopedic surgeons use advanced techniques that allow them to remove only the damaged area of the joint. That means you have less pain and scarring, a quicker recovery, and a joint that moves naturally. We use advanced technology and the latest, least invasive approaches for:

  • Ankle replacement. We remove the ends of damaged bones and replace them with an artificial joint.
  • Elbow replacement. Depending on the damage, we can replace part of the joint, such as the top of a forearm bone (humerus), or replace the entire joint.
  • Hip replacement. We use the latest methods in total and partial hip replacements —including the anterior approach — to let you move pain-free.
  • Knee replacement. We offer total and partial knee replacements, kneecap replacements, and revision surgery using the least invasive procedures. Our surgeons use robotic technology, which allows better precision for a better fit.
  • Shoulder replacement. We provide partial and total shoulder replacements —including reverse shoulder replacement — and shoulder resurfacing.

Joint Replacement Education

It’s important to understand the mechanics behind a joint replacement before you undergo surgery. That’s why our team provides education as part of the treatment journey. If you’re a candidate for joint replacement, you’ll receive a Joint Replacement Guidebook that outlines how to prepare for surgery and what you can expect. We also offer pre-operative classes to explain the procedure and steps you can take to recover from surgery.

Trusted, Recognized Expertise

When you choose us, you can be confident you’re in highly skilled, capable hands. We perform thousands of joint replacements every year. Our comprehensive program offers leading-edge care and the information and guidance you need to recover as quickly as possible.

Our commitment to superior patient care, safety, and outcomes have earned us national recognition, including:

  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield Blue Distinction Center® for Hip and Knee Replacement
  • Joint Commission Advanced Certification for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement — the only facility in Berks County to earn this distinction

An Expert Team by Your Side 

Our orthopedic surgeons, nurses, rehabilitation therapists, and care coordinators work as a team to give you personal attention and support every step of the way — from designing your treatment plan to keeping you comfortable and helping you recover after surgery.

We make sure you know what to expect before, during, and after joint replacement. We coordinate all the tests and services you need and help you think through all the details to make your surgery go smoothly. Our goal is to make your experience as comfortable and worry-free as possible.

Joint Replacement Rehabilitation

You begin rehabilitation while you’re still in the hospital — most people are here one or two nights. Our therapists offer one-on-one guidance and support to help you begin moving safely. We also make sure you have the equipment you need — such as a walker or crutches — to continue recovering at home.

Our therapists design an exercise and stretching program to help you heal and move comfortably. We create a plan that’s just for you, based on your needs. We help you return to your life as quickly as possible.

man grabbing knee

Knee Replacement

We offer advanced, minimally invasive knee replacement approaches to give you relief from knee pain. You get comprehensive care from a dedicated team.

nurse helping an elderly man up to standing position. Woman smiles in the background.

Hip Replacement

When you need hip replacement expertise, you can count on our skilled orthopedic specialists. We specialize in minimally invasive techniques that offer less pain and a faster recovery.

man gripping shoulder

Shoulder Replacement

Our experienced orthopedic surgeons use the least invasive approaches to restore shoulder movement, including leading-edge methods that result in less pain and scarring and a faster recovery.

Need Help? We're here.

For questions and assistance, please call the Tower Health helpline.