For many people, maintaining a healthy weight is a constant struggle. If you’ve tried to get to a healthy weight without success, you are not alone. More than 40% of American adults struggle with obesity, which increases the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, joint pain, and other problems.

What type of weight loss services are you looking for?

We offer a broad range of medical and surgical weight-loss services; whether you need help getting back into your pre-pregnancy clothing or need to lose lots of weight for health reasons, you will find complete care and compassionate weight loss support.

When to Seek Medical Assistance

If you have tried to lose weight through diet and exercise without success, and you are ready to see a doctor who specializes in weight management, turn to our team. We will help you decide whether to pursue medical or surgical weight loss based on several criteria.

This includes your body mass index (BMI), how much weight you need to lose, and whether you have any weight-related medical conditions. Calculate your BMI.