Your health needs change and often get more complex as you age. Our senior health experts help you prepare for and manage changes for a healthy, vibrant life. We offer comprehensive services to enhance your mental and physical health and preserve your independence. You get leading-edge care, close to home.

Helping you feel your best for years to come.

Our older adult experts, called geriatric doctors or geriatricians, are primary care doctors who specialize in helping older adults stay healthy — particularly those 65 and over.

Why Choose a Geriatrician?

When you take good care of yourself and make changes that lower your risk of health problems, you can stay active and feel better longer. Our senior health experts help you maintain your physical, emotional, and social health for years to come.

We provide:

  • Specialized care for seniors. Our geriatricians have additional training to recognize and treat common conditions in older adults, such as heart disease, arthritis, memory loss, and balance problems.
  • Care for multiple conditions. Health problems accumulate over a lifetime, and we’re experts at managing them. We oversee all your therapies and prescriptions and coordinate your care with other providers to keep you safe and healthy.
  • Support and guidance. We help you take good care of yourself and focus on your diet, activity level, sleep, and mental health to ensure your well-being. You get expert advice to help you maintain your independence.
  • Planning assistance. We talk to you about your healthcare preferences and help you arrange who will help you make healthcare decisions in the future.
  • Specialty care. If you need to see a specialist — such as an orthopedist, cardiologist, sleep medicine doctor, or mental health expert — you can get expert care with us. You work with a team you know and trust.

Preventive Health Services for Seniors 

For older adults, seeing your doctor when you’re sick isn’t enough to keep you feeling your best — it requires a preventive approach. We help you stay healthy by keeping a close eye on your health and providing expert guidance as your needs change. We partner with you to help you maintain good health and independence — getting older doesn’t mean you have to slow down.

We offer:

  • Routine checkups, including Medicare annual wellness visits
  • Health tests and screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure, cholesterol, bone density, memory loss, and cancer
  • Vaccinations, including flu shots and other recommended immunizations
  • Healthy lifestyle advice to improve your quality of life and help you maintain good health, energy, and mental sharpness
  • Guidance to keep you safe, including tips to prevent falls and other injuries

Illness and Injury Treatment 

We’re experienced at diagnosing and treating a full range of health conditions that affect older adults, including managing multiple and complex health problems.

We provide:

  • Treatment for colds, flu, sinus infections, digestive problems, bladder and bowel problems, joint pain, and other common illnesses in older adults
  • Expert care for concerns such as memory loss, confusion, balance issues, loss of mobility, and back and joint pain
  • Treatment for common injuries, such as broken bones, muscle strains and sprains, cuts and scrapes, and animal and insect bites
  • Prescription management, to keep you safe
  • Management of ongoing conditions, such as high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and anxiety
  • Referrals to and coordination of care with specialists, if needed

Additional Services for Seniors

When you need extra attention, it’s comforting to know you have access to specialists at Tower Health locations — from podiatry and orthopedics to lung care, cardiology, and more. We also offer specialized services for seniors, including:

  • Senior emergency care. The emergency department at Phoenixville Hospital is designed to make older adults more comfortable. Private beds, better lighting, and more room for family members create a healing environment.
  • Older adult behavioral health. We provide expert, respectful care and support for older adults facing a psychiatric crisis that needs immediate care. Our older adult units provide 24/7, family-centered care, and personalized treatments that include therapies and individual, group, and family counseling.
  • Specialized care in the hospital. If you’re in the hospital, you’ll be seen by geriatricians and providers who specialize in older adult care. We help you regain independence and return home as quickly as possible.
  • Home healthcare services. Our home care team works closely with your doctor and family to care for you at home. We offer a full range of services, from IV therapy and wound management to respiratory therapy, rehabilitation, and more.
  • Nursing home care. You can receive care from a team you know and trust in a skilled nursing facility or senior living residence. Our team can provide on-site visits or offer consultations and guidance for facility staff.
  • Hospice and palliative care. Our hospice and palliative care team addresses the symptoms and stress of illness and supports you and your family. Palliative care focuses on improving your quality of life during a severe illness — regardless of your diagnosis. Hospice care offers end-of-life comfort to enhance your well-being.

Senior Assessment Program

Our senior assessment program — the only program of its kind in the area — helps you live better and more independently. An assessment can help discover what's causing symptoms such as memory loss, confusion, weight loss, balance problems, or other physical or emotional problems.

Assessments review your:

  • Physical health. A geriatrician reviews your medical history and prescriptions. We do a complete physical exam, including vision and hearing testing.
  • Mental health. A geriatric psychiatrist evaluates your mental health and screens for memory loss, depression, anxiety, and other psychological symptoms.
  • Social support. A clinical social worker learns about your social network, including friends and family. We explore the emotional impact of the changes that come with aging, such as illness, loneliness, or loss of mobility and independence.

We discuss the results with you and your family and provide you with a personalized care plan. We offer recommendations, educational resources, and guidance to ensure families have the support they need.