2023 – 2024 Activities
Seven residents and the program director from the Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency at Phoenixville Hospital had the opportunity to attend the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Scientific Conference from 1/31/24 to 2/4/24. These residents included Brady Biscorner (PGY3), Willman Pearcy (PGY3), Ryan Tonucci (PGY3), Tavin Morgan (PGY2), Jessica Somma (PGY2), Khoa Nguyen (PGY1), and Justine Cardino (PGY1), along with the program director, Jason Miller, DPM, DPM, FACFAS, FAPWCA.
This international conference allowed foot and ankle surgeons to come together for networking, exchange of ideas, introduction to new technology and techniques, and cutting-edge educational opportunities. This year, the conference set a record of more than 2,200 attendees and 170 exhibitors. The attendees were given the opportunity to attend lectures given by a panelist of renowned surgeons in their respective fields as well as enjoy the sites that Tampa had to offer. Between the seven residents, a total of nine poster abstracts were presented at the conference, which happened to be the leading number out of the other residency programs present. Dr. Miller spoke on two podium lecture symposiums and taught a four-hour cadaver workshop on flatfoot reconstruction helping teach the future of the profession.

Poster Acceptance
Phoenixville Hospital Podiatry Residency Program – Poster Acceptance
- By Jason R. Miller, DPM – Program Director
We are pleased to share the good news about the academic endeavors of the Phoenixville Hospital Podiatry Residency Program in 2023. On Friday, September 29th the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference in Tampa, FL accepted six scientific posters from our program. Author contributions included three attendings (Jason Miller, Stephen Soondar, and Matthew Rementer), six residents (Brady Biscorner, Willman Pearcey, Jessica Somma, Tavin Morgan, Justine Cardino, and Khoa Nguyen), and one affiliated fellow (John Marshall IV).
Poster titles are as follows:
- Novel tibial sesamoidectomy closure technique for prevention of hallux abductovalgus complication
- Validation and expansion of the Nicholson achilles tendinosis classification
- Novel low energy mechanism of injury in subtalar joint depression calcaneus fractures
- Incidence of patients that receive intercuneiform screw fixation while undergoing first metatarsal-cuneiform arthrodesis
- Primary repair of the tibialis anterior tendon utilizing a semitendinosus allograft and suture anchor
- A novel surgical technique and augmentation of chronic peroneal tendon tears reinforced with bio-inductive scaffold graft: A case report
This is a tremendous feat, setting a new program record for the most posters accepted to the Annual Scientific Conference previously set at three posters. This poster acceptance will bring national recognition to our residency program.
Additionally, two posters were submitted to the American Podiatric Medical Association National Scientific Conference in Nashville this July. These posters were authored by attending Jason Miller; residents Ryan Tonucci and Jessica Somma and affiliated fellow Krista Kotzeva.
Poster titles:
- Incorporation of FHL tendon into Achilles tendon to improve function (3rd prize winner in the case series category)
- A rare case of osteoid osteoma misdiagnosed as AVN of the Navicular
Another poster was accepted and submitted to the Goldfarb Annual Clinical Conference representing the Podiatry Medical Association for the Tristate region of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. This poster was authored by attending Matthew Rementer and resident Brady Biscorner.
Poster title:
Treatment of Chronic Traumatic Achilles Tendon Rupture with Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer: A Case Report.
This brings our 2023 – 2024 academic work total to nine posters. Please join me in congratulating all contributing authors on their successful submissions. There are a handful of additional posters and manuscripts in the works, so stay tuned for our continued academic success.